Career and Leadership Coaching

Career CoachingLeadership Coaching

Career Coaching

Society tells us that we should know what we really want to do with our lives. There is pressure to “know” at every stage of our professional development from high school to post-secondary training to career choices, our first jobs, and throughout our careers. It can be a lot of pressure.


High School

Struggling with the questions “Where should I attend college?” and “What major should I select?”


Navigating the pressures of “What should I do with my life after graduation” and “How do I prepare?” 


Seeking guidance on “How do I stand apart and shine in an interview?” and “What type of career is best for me?”


Feeling unfulfilled, lost, disillusioned, and unhappy, asking “Where do I go from here?” and “How do I change course?”

Give yourself sacred time to step back, breathe, and allow yourself the space to zoom out and get clarity around what you really want for yourself and your career.

Michigan Staffing President and Co-Founder, Francy Lucido, can help. As a career coach, Francy has worked with hundreds of women struggling to find their way early in their careers. She knows how to help, because she’s been that struggling woman before too! She used to wonder, “What will I do with my life?” but years later, she is happy to have created a fulfilling career and helped so many others do the same. Let her by the objective-sounding board you need!

Seasoned Professionals

Looking to up-level your career and elevate to a bigger role? Wanting to deepen your current career experience? Searching for more purpose in using your talents on or off the job?


Dream & Envision the Possibilities of Your Career

Few of us can grow without support, encouragement, insight, and someone in our corner cheering us on to what we really want and helping us to figure out how to achieve our goals with soul. Francy can be that light for you.

Mamas Re-Entering the Workforce

Re-entering the workforce is hard! It’s exciting, overwhelming, confusing, and scary. But you are the greatest rock-stars of all for finding your way to new beginnings. You can do this and you are not alone.


Have the Tools to Find Your Job with Confidence & Ease

Francy will work with you step by step to help you move forward in your career or job choice, preparing for your job search,  and everything that’s needed for you to succeed in reentering the work force.

Begin Your Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Leadership inspires others to take action towards a positive outcome. It is about being brave to develop the hearts and minds of those around you. Discover your leadership strengths by working closely with a coach who will refine your skills and leadership style to help you become the leader you have always dreamed of being.

Our Leadership Development Coaching Clients Want:



Gain the skills and knowledge necessary to increase performance and results.


Develop communication skills to build trust and professional relationships that influence positive outcomes.


Grow professionally and personally to achieve career goals with massive impact.


Develop emotional intelligence to identify personal leadership style and any strategic changes needed to partner with others and create win-win outcomes.

Our coaches will develop a leadership development plan with you, a customized road map with actionable steps and measurable benchmarks to help you continuously evolve and grow. Learn how to leverage your strengths and purpose, and go beyond the tactical approach to creating sustainable behaviors and mindsets that lead to strong relationships, high performance and desired results.

    Our Standard Package

    A 3 month personalized program to help you achieve your goals, with six 50-Minute Coaching Calls that include:

    • Current Leadership Style – Get clarity around the thoughts, beliefs, attitude, values and perspectives that define your current state.
    • Identifying Blind Spots and Impact Opportunities – Uncover how your current leadership approach impacts your performance and where you can have greater impact.
    • Strategies for Change – Implement new approaches with trust, communication, engagement, problem solving, delegation, accountability and emotional intelligence to address your goals and successful outcomes.

    This program will be personalized to YOU and your needs. You’ll receive unlimited email communication to support your personal leadership growth and discovery.

    Begin Your Leadership Coaching