The amount of time and resources a smart company spends on its people is a major and ongoing investment. And it should be.

If you are not attracting, training, promoting, celebrating, and retaining great people, how can you have a great organization?

The challenge is in doing that well. For many companies, a partnership with experts makes the process easier, less costly, and comes with better results. But where to start? The number of recruitment professionals, online job boards, and temporary staffing companies is big. Finding the right expertise for your organization is important.

Today it is not always enough to only provide staffing. When connecting people and opportunities, the stakes are high. If you are the company owner, head of operations, or director of talent acquisition, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it possible to narrow all of my staffing resources down to a select few? Or even one?  
  • Could that one single provider function to streamline all of the administrative tasks associated with recruiting and hiring?
  • Could that one provider handle coordination with other staffing firms for me?
  • Wouldn’t a simpler process allow me to do a better job?

Of course, the answer to these rhetorical questions has to be a resounding “yes.”

Managed Services approach to staffing helps the hiring manager in many ways. It takes on the coordination and management issues and creates streamlining like a single point of contact, and unified invoicing and reporting. As importantly, it builds a relationship between you and the Managed Services provider so that, rather than a mechanical and automated approach to filling job openings, you work with a real person – someone who understands, anticipates, works based on your needs.

If a better people-centered process with better results is important to you, contact Francy Lucido at Michigan Staffing or call 586-751-5608.

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