Apr 25, 2021 | Aspen Search, Community, Leadership, Michigan Staffing
We are in the people business. We find great people with certain skills and we connect them with people whose businesses need their help. Ours is a business, but often it feels like a mission because we are not selling products; we are making a difference for...
Mar 23, 2021 | Community, Diversity, Leadership, Women
March is Women’s History Month. As a women-owned company, Michigan Staffing and Aspen Search Group leaders recognize and congratulate other women, especially the entrepreneurs among us who create business opportunities that benefit everybody. One important way we can...
Nov 24, 2020 | Aspen Search, Community, Michigan Staffing
As we approach Thanksgiving, the team at Michigan Staffing and Aspen Search Group is reminded of how fortunate we are to have great co-workers, wonderful talented people on assignment, and clients whose support and partnership makes our jobs more enjoyable. While we...
Oct 20, 2020 | Agile, Community, Hiring, Michigan Staffing
The COVID-19 pandemic presents some big challenges for business owners and managers. One of the biggest is building an agile team. The right combination of full-time, part-time, contract, on-site, and remote workers may be the key to your company’s continued success....
Sep 14, 2020 | Community, Diversity, Hiring, Michigan Staffing
What are the business advantages of a more diverse workplace? Michigan Staffing actively works with companies and organizations to offer staffing solutions that make a difference and stand apart. We think of ourselves as problem solvers. We work to continually...
Jun 30, 2020 | Aspen Search, Community, Michigan Staffing
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Paul W. Smith on WJR Radio in Detroit. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, WJR is interviewing area businesses like ours and helping promote the business community in a meaningful way. The interview was a nice opportunity for me...