An Operational Tool Becomes a Diagnotic

An Operational Tool Becomes a Diagnotic

Once in a while, when I’m reading about leadership best practices, I notice the mention of tools that, at first, sound kind of mundane. For example, a leadership blogger might talk about agendas or scorecards or forms that track special projects, or a grid that gets...
What Does Modern Leadership Really Mean?

What Does Modern Leadership Really Mean?

Guest Feature Jennifer Post from Millennials are the largest generation in today’s workforce. Millennials have challenged the traditional style of leadership by having different values and expectations from their leaders. Communication,...
Preparing for the Workforce of Tomorrow

Preparing for the Workforce of Tomorrow

Whether you are thinking about how to help your employees grow, or trying to make yourself better at what you do, you have to recognize one of your most important assignments: thriving in an era of constant change. Managing your career and supporting others is an even...
My Best Connection

My Best Connection

On any given week I receive three to five calls from recruitment search firms hoping to make a connection.  The best connection I’ve made in years is with Vicky Young.   I presented Vicky with my most challenging managerial position. The position had...