Jan 23, 2020 | Aspen Search, Hiring, Michigan Staffing, Talent, Testimonials
The professionals at Michigan Staffing and Aspen Search do more than find “temporary” solutions. Our clients will tell you that we help them solve business problems – and the most critical challenges a business person faces involves people. When your staff includes...
Dec 17, 2019 | Aspen Search, Community, Michigan Staffing, Talent
At this time of year, I like to look back with gratitude and look forward with confidence. I am grateful for every one of you, and I am confident that the new year will bring more opportunities to connect people and create opportunities that result in better lives....
Nov 25, 2019 | Aspen Search, Community, Talent
Michigan Staffing and Aspen Search Group are Grateful to our Clients, Employees and Friends! FromEveryone at Our Companies to You and Yours HappyThanksgiving! We Build the Bridge between Talent and Opportunity.
Nov 5, 2019 | Aspen Search, Direct Search, Hiring, Michigan Staffing, Talent
Aspen Search Group, along with our partner company Michigan Staffing, is proud of the bridge that we build between people! What does that really mean for those who are trying to further their careers? And for those who are trying to better their businesses? Our...
Oct 4, 2019 | Aspen Search, Direct Search, Hiring
Aspen Search works with clients in multiple industries to find the professional and technical talent they rely on to grow and succeed. As Direct Search experts, our recruiters’ expertise and experience have helped connect clients to great people. We are...
Aug 14, 2019 | Aspen Search, Community, Michigan Staffing
It might be risky to claim in August that this is a great year. However, at about 2/3 of the way through 2019, I am feeling great and grateful for the growth that I am seeing in our company, for the opportunities I see for employees, and the solutions that we are...